I have been going through a huge Christmas panic attack this week. When "G" gave me her list this year, it had exactly two items on it, books and a Pocahontas doll. She was very specific. Her doll needed to be Native American. So like a dutiful aunt, I went to Toys R Us to find her. Well, there was every type of Disney doll there but...you got it. Pocahontas! The next step was ordering it off Amazon, easy, easy! Well, of course with me not so easy. For weeks there has been no word on the doll. Finally, on Wednesday, I really started to panic. This kid asked for two things!!!! What was I going to do? My mother's solution was to buy her an American Girl doll. I don't know about you but there is no way I'm contributing to that cult. Not that I don't like them, as a child, I was a huge doll girl but each doll is close to ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. I'm sorry, there's no way I'm paying that amount of money for a doll. The good thing is I didn't have to, when I came home from work yesterday, she was waiting on the stairs. The "bitch" has been traveling all over the country having a grand time. Of course the hubby found it hysterical, "Don't you find it ironic that Pocahontas is lost?" I can't tell you how much mileage he got from that one joke for weeks. On Wednesday, I threatened him with physical violence if I ever heard the joke again.
Yesterday, something great writing-wise happened. I thought of such an idea for a book that I had to stop what I was doing and sit down and write. Of course the bad thing was that I was at work but nevertheless, I sat down and wrote a few hundred words. I haven't been this excited about a story since Fated Mates came to me in a dream. This story is practically fully formed in my head. I can't wait to write some more. I love that I have this excitement back about writing. So I think I'm putting aside the sequel to Fated Mates for now and working on this new piece.
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas because this will probably be my last post before Christmas. There is still so much to do!
Peace out,
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
We have a winner!!!!
The winner of my Secret Cravings Publishing Anniversary Blog Hop is Kathryn Merkel. Yay Kathryn!!!! Could you please e-mail me your address, so I can send you the snowman earrings? Later on today I will also send you your copy of Fated Mates.
Thanks to all who participated and left a comment!
Peace out,
Thanks to all who participated and left a comment!
Peace out,
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
My publisher, Secret Cravings Publishing is turning one! I owe them so much. They took a story which rattled around in my brain for years and turned me into a published author. My one piece of advice to people is never truly give up on your dreams. Sometimes they actually do come true with a whole lot of work involved, but they come true. Let's face it, would you appreciate it as much if it were so easy? I don't think I would!
Here is the contest info. My contribution to the contest is a copy of my book Fated Mates and a pair of snowman earrings. Aren't they pretty?
I'm sorry I don't have the links attached to the other author's name but just click the icon on the side of the blog to find out where to go and comment tomorrow!
From Secret Cravings
First prize - Kindle Fire
Second prize - Amazon GC $50
Third prize - SCP GC $25
Every participating author is having their own give-way, so make sure to stop by every blog and comment for more chances to win.
YOU MUST comment on EVERY blog over the next month to be eligible for the main prizes listed above- no purchase is necessary and please leave your email address.
SPECIAL during the SCP Blog Hop Anniversary
For those who leave comments on the blogs, they'll receive a 25% off coupon for the SCP website. All purchases during the contest time will receive 10% off purchases on the website.
From December 16, 2011 through January 19, 2012 visit the below listed author's blogs and websites for your chances to win great prizes.
Secret Cravings Publishing December 16
AvrilAshton December 17
Tabby December 18
DaisyDunn December 19
MarieDuFour December 20
JenniferLaBelle December 21
Carol Preflatish December 22
SableHunter December 23
Mindi Ferrari December 24
Topaz Jordyn December 25
Brandi Quick December 26
BarbaraWestbrook December 27
CynthiaArsuaga December 28
MikeArsuaga December 29
LacieNation December 30
Skye Savoy December 31
MahaliaLevey January 1
SamCrescent January 2
DreaBecraft January 3
TamaraMonteau January 4
.Imogene Nix January 5
RaineDelight January 6
MollyDaniels January 7
ShannonWest January 8
SandySullivan January 9
DawneProchilo January 10
DarleneFredette January 11
CindyChristiansen January 12
JanGraham January 13
KellieKamryn January 14
Natalie Bates January 15
Giselle Renard January 16
Cathy Greenfeder January 17
Jean Joachim January 18
LaylaHunter January 19
Liz woke up with the sounds of waves crashing in her ears. Confident of the lack of beachfront property within her condo, she wondered what destiny had in mind for her now. She sat up looking around at her surroundings. Lying under a beautiful canopy tent draped with yards and yards of gauzy royal blue material swaying gently in the breeze, and keeping the rays of the sun from beating down on her body. Liz ran her hands over the bedding beneath her. It felt softer and smoother than the highest count Egyptian cotton sheets bought in Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
The beautiful beach reminded her of pictures of exquisite Caribbean beaches with turquoise waves and miles and miles of powdery white sand. The gentle breezes lightly ruffled her hair as she walked down the beach to the edge of the water which rose up to meet her feet, tickling her toes.
“Well, Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas anymore,” she said looking up at a foreign sky with two moons in the distance.
“I must be dreaming. I read so much information about Serralia I’m dreaming about it in Technicolor. Damn! This is one realistic mother of a dream.”
Suddenly, her senses went on high alert. She didn’t know if the air around her had changed or if her body sensed another person behind her, but she knew she was no longer alone and somehow her mate stood behind her.
Two strong bronze hands slowly encircled her waist, pulling her gently back to into a lean, hard body. Liz sighed. This felt right. She snuggled deeper into the embrace. Nothing ever felt this right before. She could stand here in the safety of his arms forever.
“I’ve been waiting for you. I thought you would never get here,” she whispered.
“I’m sorry it took so long. I never let myself believe you existed.”
“I read your file.” The hands moving on her stomach stilled. “I’m sorry for what you had to go through alone. I would have been there for you if I had known.”
“I wouldn’t have been there if I had faith I would find you someday.” Dragon’s chest expanded letting her love and comfort wash over him. “So you know?”
“About everything that happened to you when you were taken prisoner? Yes, I know. I know you lost an eye and still wear an eye patch. I bet it makes you look rakishly handsome.”
She felt the chuckle in his chest before she heard it. The heat of his body warmed her back and aroused her body.
“I have never been told such a thing.”
“Well, I’m sure it does.”
She stroked the muscular forearms at her waist with light caresses. His body trembled behind her.
“We’ve never met in person, but I already feel connected to you. Is it normal?”
“The bonding happens when we are connected as mates. Normal. I don’t know. Right, yes.”
“Do you know about me?” she whispered.
“I know you are perfect.” He leaned down and sweetly kissed the top of her head.
Liz stilled, she might as well tell him about her marriage. She didn’t want any secrets between them.
“I was married before,” she blurted out nervously. “He was not a nice man. He hurt me, not only physically, but verbally too. It took a long time, but I left him.”
Dragon fully stilled behind her. All the wonderful stroking stopped. Her stomach dropped down to her feet. Shit! I’ve ruined this already. She knew her mistake of a marriage would follow her around for the rest of her life. She knew it.
“You don’t know how much pain it causes me to know how much pain you had to endure. I would gladly be tortured again if it meant taking it away from you. You never have to be afraid with me. I would sooner cut off my own arm than hurt a hair on this beautiful head.”
Liz nodded, the lump in her throat making any physical speech impossible.
“I realize it might be a while before you believe this, but it is true.”
“I do believe you. I don’t know why, but I do.”
“Good. Now, we can continue what we started here.”
Callused thumbs again stroked her stomach making it quiver and her pulse quicken. If this was what he could do to her body with only his thumbs, she might actually die from pleasure. She smiled thinking about what her obituary would say. Woman dies from having the most intense sexual experience of her life, then her brain stopped working; her body took over and went into overload.
Happy playing. Remember you can't be eligible for the Kindle or any other prize if you don't comment! So comment away!
Peace out,
Happy playing. Remember you can't be eligible for the Kindle or any other prize if you don't comment! So comment away!
Peace out,
Monday, December 19, 2011
Wow! The turnout was amazing!
Wow! The turnout for the Stuff Your Stockings Blog Hop was amazing. I "met" so many new friends. "Mr. Marie" did pull a name out of his Red Sox cap early this morning. So the winner of Fated Mates and choice of gift certificate is Jennifer Sheets. (Jennifer, I tried to e-mail you and it bounced back to me. E-mail me privately.) If for some reason Jennifer does not get back to me, I will have the hubby pick another name.
On to the next blog hop! Tomorrow I am the featured author on the Secret Cravings Publishing Anniversary Blog Hop. That's right, my publisher is turning one and having the most amazing contest. Not only is every featured author giving away something great but if you comment each day on the blogs, you have a chance to win a Kindle Fire! I'm so jealous, I would love, love, love to win it myself!
So tomorrow, I have to come up with a very witty blog. I hope I'm up for the task. I am giving away a copy of Fated Mates and a spectacular pair of snowman earrings. I will have a picture of them up tomorrow for the blog. Please come and join me!!
Peace out,
On to the next blog hop! Tomorrow I am the featured author on the Secret Cravings Publishing Anniversary Blog Hop. That's right, my publisher is turning one and having the most amazing contest. Not only is every featured author giving away something great but if you comment each day on the blogs, you have a chance to win a Kindle Fire! I'm so jealous, I would love, love, love to win it myself!
So tomorrow, I have to come up with a very witty blog. I hope I'm up for the task. I am giving away a copy of Fated Mates and a spectacular pair of snowman earrings. I will have a picture of them up tomorrow for the blog. Please come and join me!!
Peace out,
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Stuff Your Stocking Blog Hop- Last chance to leave a comment to win a prize
Last chance to leave a comment to win a prize for the Stuff Your Stocking Blog Hop! The winner will be announce in tomorrow's blog. On my blog you have a chance to win a copy of my book Fated Mates and a $10 gift certificate to Bookstrand or ARe.
Liz woke up with the sounds of waves crashing in her ears. Confident of the lack of beachfront property within her condo, she wondered what destiny had in mind for her now. She sat up looking around at her surroundings. Lying under a beautiful canopy tent draped with yards and yards of gauzy royal blue material swaying gently in the breeze, and keeping the rays of the sun from beating down on her body. Liz ran her hands over the bedding beneath her. It felt softer and smoother than the highest count Egyptian cotton sheets bought in Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
The beautiful beach reminded her of pictures of exquisite Caribbean beaches with turquoise waves and miles and miles of powdery white sand. The gentle breezes lightly ruffled her hair as she walked down the beach to the edge of the water which rose up to meet her feet, tickling her toes.
“Well, Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas anymore,” she said looking up at a foreign sky with two moons in the distance.
“I must be dreaming. I read so much information about Serralia I’m dreaming about it in Technicolor. Damn! This is one realistic mother of a dream.”
Suddenly, her senses went on high alert. She didn’t know if the air around her had changed or if her body sensed another person behind her, but she knew she was no longer alone and somehow her mate stood behind her.
Two strong bronze hands slowly encircled her waist, pulling her gently back to into a lean, hard body. Liz sighed. This felt right. She snuggled deeper into the embrace. Nothing ever felt this right before. She could stand here in the safety of his arms forever.
“I’ve been waiting for you. I thought you would never get here,” she whispered.
“I’m sorry it took so long. I never let myself believe you existed.”
“I read your file.” The hands moving on her stomach stilled. “I’m sorry for what you had to go through alone. I would have been there for you if I had known.”
“I wouldn’t have been there if I had faith I would find you someday.” Dragon’s chest expanded letting her love and comfort wash over him. “So you know?”
“About everything that happened to you when you were taken prisoner? Yes, I know. I know you lost an eye and still wear an eye patch. I bet it makes you look rakishly handsome.”
She felt the chuckle in his chest before she heard it. The heat of his body warmed her back and aroused her body.
“I have never been told such a thing.”
“Well, I’m sure it does.”
She stroked the muscular forearms at her waist with light caresses. His body trembled behind her.
“We’ve never met in person, but I already feel connected to you. Is it normal?”
“The bonding happens when we are connected as mates. Normal. I don’t know. Right, yes.”
“Do you know about me?” she whispered.
“I know you are perfect.” He leaned down and sweetly kissed the top of her head.
Liz stilled, she might as well tell him about her marriage. She didn’t want any secrets between them.
“I was married before,” she blurted out nervously. “He was not a nice man. He hurt me, not only physically, but verbally too. It took a long time, but I left him.”
Dragon fully stilled behind her. All the wonderful stroking stopped. Her stomach dropped down to her feet. Shit! I’ve ruined this already. She knew her mistake of a marriage would follow her around for the rest of her life. She knew it.
“You don’t know how much pain it causes me to know how much pain you had to endure. I would gladly be tortured again if it meant taking it away from you. You never have to be afraid with me. I would sooner cut off my own arm than hurt a hair on this beautiful head.”
Liz nodded, the lump in her throat making any physical speech impossible.
“I realize it might be a while before you believe this, but it is true.”
“I do believe you. I don’t know why, but I do.”
“Good. Now, we can continue what we started here.”
Callused thumbs again stroked her stomach making it quiver and her pulse quicken. If this was what he could do to her body with only his thumbs, she might actually die from pleasure. She smiled thinking about what her obituary would say. Woman dies from having the most intense sexual experience of her life, then her brain stopped working; her body took over and went into overload.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Cravings eBook Club
Here is a wonderful opportunity from my publisher. Check it out.
Good morning Lover of Reading and Romance,
We invite you to become a Charter Member of the Cravings eBook Club and receive Taming The Cougar* by Sandy Sullivan and Hunting Jaguar** by D. McEntire absolutely FREE! As a club member, you’ll receive 4 BRAND-NEW EBOOKS, specially selected by our Editorial Director, every month for a total price of only $9.99 for all 4. This comes out to barely $2.50 per book, much less than the retail price and you’ll be able to enjoy your books even before they hit Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
*Taming the Cougar, a western, erotic romance:
Marla isn't looking for love or anything else from a man. Can Marla put aside her distrust of men for a younger man? Can Chris convince her he's not like other guys?
**Hunting Jaguar, paranormal erotic romance:
Rachel Hayes' Father set out to prove the existence of the Miloni temple and the Jaguar people. Tumi is a descendant of the Miloni race and is sworn to protect their secret with his life. Will he be forced to uphold his vow at the cost of his heart and Rachel's life?
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2 Easy Steps to Join
1. Go to the Cravings Club tab at the bottom of our website, www.secretcravingspublishing.com click on subscribe to be taken to Paypal. Send $9.99.
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Friday, December 16, 2011
Stuff Your Stockings Blog Hop
Hi all,
As you have noticed from my side-board, there are two blog hops going on. The first is the Stuff Your STockings Blog Hop. There are so many authors and prizes to win between today and Sunday when it closes. Every author is giving away some great prizes. For this contest I'm giving away a copy of Fated Mates and a $10 gift certificate to either ARe or Bookstrand.
The second is that my Publisher is turning one!!! So we are having an anniversary blog hop. If you click on the link on the side of my blog it will bring you to the first stop. Not only is every author on the blog giving away something but if you comment on every blog, you are entered in a contest to win a Kindle Fire. For this contest I'm giving away a copy of Fated Mates and a pair of snowman earrings!
A lot to do, a lot to do! I want to give a great big shout out to my hubby. Today is his birthday!!!!! I took a personal day to be with him and also finish my Christmas shopping (shhhh). We are having people over tonight so I also have to get the house "company ready".
Some other news, tomorrow I am having lunch with some awesome erotic romance writers. I am so excited. I'll blog about it on Sunday!!!
Remember to leave a comment to be eligible to win!!!!
Peace out,
As you have noticed from my side-board, there are two blog hops going on. The first is the Stuff Your STockings Blog Hop. There are so many authors and prizes to win between today and Sunday when it closes. Every author is giving away some great prizes. For this contest I'm giving away a copy of Fated Mates and a $10 gift certificate to either ARe or Bookstrand.
The second is that my Publisher is turning one!!! So we are having an anniversary blog hop. If you click on the link on the side of my blog it will bring you to the first stop. Not only is every author on the blog giving away something but if you comment on every blog, you are entered in a contest to win a Kindle Fire. For this contest I'm giving away a copy of Fated Mates and a pair of snowman earrings!
A lot to do, a lot to do! I want to give a great big shout out to my hubby. Today is his birthday!!!!! I took a personal day to be with him and also finish my Christmas shopping (shhhh). We are having people over tonight so I also have to get the house "company ready".
Some other news, tomorrow I am having lunch with some awesome erotic romance writers. I am so excited. I'll blog about it on Sunday!!!
Remember to leave a comment to be eligible to win!!!!
Peace out,
Monday, December 12, 2011
Short and Sweet, Just Like Me
Cough, cough, choke, choke! Today's blog is short.
As you can see by the two promo buttons on the side, I am participating in two blog hops soon. The first is a holiday blog hop from the 16th to the 18th. There are over one hundred authors participating, it should be really fun. The second blog hop is for my publisher, to celebrate their one year anniversary! The grand prize for that blog is a Kindle Fire. Check it out! I'm the premier author on the 20th!
I'm a little rushed this morning because I watched last night's Once Upon A Time. If you haven't checked out this new show, I highly recommend it. It's from the creative team who did Lost. Last night's episode was so good and so heartbreaking! Of course, like in Lost, the writers/creators leave Easter eggs into the story. I have a theory about the main story line. I actually think I figured something out!!!
Unfortunately, it's time to get ready for the dreaded day job.
Peace out,
As you can see by the two promo buttons on the side, I am participating in two blog hops soon. The first is a holiday blog hop from the 16th to the 18th. There are over one hundred authors participating, it should be really fun. The second blog hop is for my publisher, to celebrate their one year anniversary! The grand prize for that blog is a Kindle Fire. Check it out! I'm the premier author on the 20th!
I'm a little rushed this morning because I watched last night's Once Upon A Time. If you haven't checked out this new show, I highly recommend it. It's from the creative team who did Lost. Last night's episode was so good and so heartbreaking! Of course, like in Lost, the writers/creators leave Easter eggs into the story. I have a theory about the main story line. I actually think I figured something out!!!
Unfortunately, it's time to get ready for the dreaded day job.
Peace out,
Friday, December 9, 2011
So far behind
It's getting to that time of year when I feel like I am so far behind on everything. To some extent, I really am. My house is not decorated yet, not even a candle in the window. Not one present has been bought yet. The good thing about buying presents for the family is that the only "real" presents bought are for the kids. The rest, all couples, received a combined $50 in gift certificates. The bad thing about this month, is that it's also the hubby's birthday. In exactly, seven days to be exact, so I also have to buy birthday presents. It must have been tough as a kid to have a birthday so close to Christmas. My birthday is right after New Year's and I know that really sucks! We always seem to go back to school on that exact day. Happy Birthday to me huh?
I am trying to take Amber's advice and write at least 100 words a day, which is working and getting me back into the swing of things. I just wish the second book in the Fated Mates series was flowing like the first one. Oh well, I guess they can't be all easy.
So my goal for this weekend is to decorate the house, and finish at least one chapter in my WIP. I'll let you know on Monday how I made out.
Peace out,
I am trying to take Amber's advice and write at least 100 words a day, which is working and getting me back into the swing of things. I just wish the second book in the Fated Mates series was flowing like the first one. Oh well, I guess they can't be all easy.
So my goal for this weekend is to decorate the house, and finish at least one chapter in my WIP. I'll let you know on Monday how I made out.
Peace out,
Monday, December 5, 2011
Novella writing needs respect
I have a book which is published. There is another book waiting to be published "in the wings". The crazy thing is, in some circles I'm not considered published at all. There are some "groups" out there that don't consider anything under a full print novel "published".
Sometimes this makes me angry. Do these people know how difficult it is to write "short". I have to incorporate all of the elements of a "full novel" within a few thousand words. Not everyone can do it, I'm not saying I'm the poster child for novella writers. I have a lot to learn and fully acknowledge this. The fact is, I like writing novellas.
One reason is I like reading them. My life is crazy, so a novella fits just right for my reading time. It's short enough if I have a few hours, I can get through it in one sitting. Yet, it's long enough for me to put down in a good place, knowing, lovingly that I will come back to it when I can. I guess it's the same why I enjoy movies more than episodic television. With a movie, I know I will get some satisfaction at the end of the two or so hours but with tv, I have to wait week after week and then sometimes I still don't get a pay off. I'm not into getting tortured. I obsess!
So hopefully someday, even though some of us don't physically have a book to hold, we will get the respect that our "print" author peers do!!
Peace out,
Sometimes this makes me angry. Do these people know how difficult it is to write "short". I have to incorporate all of the elements of a "full novel" within a few thousand words. Not everyone can do it, I'm not saying I'm the poster child for novella writers. I have a lot to learn and fully acknowledge this. The fact is, I like writing novellas.
One reason is I like reading them. My life is crazy, so a novella fits just right for my reading time. It's short enough if I have a few hours, I can get through it in one sitting. Yet, it's long enough for me to put down in a good place, knowing, lovingly that I will come back to it when I can. I guess it's the same why I enjoy movies more than episodic television. With a movie, I know I will get some satisfaction at the end of the two or so hours but with tv, I have to wait week after week and then sometimes I still don't get a pay off. I'm not into getting tortured. I obsess!
So hopefully someday, even though some of us don't physically have a book to hold, we will get the respect that our "print" author peers do!!
Peace out,
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