Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year one and all! I am not the type of person to make resolutions for myself. It is too much pressure. All I am going to say is that I will be going into this year with a new motto. It is going to be, "I will...". So however that sentence ends in my life that is what I am going to accomplish. It could be that I will get my first of many manuscripts published this year. It could be that I am going to accomplish a few personal goals within this year. I don't know. I just know that "I will...".

So today, I know I will...
1. Get some coffee.
2. Finish the edits on Fated Mates
3. Write a chapter wrapping up the whole manuscript

Right now, looking forward this a year with possibilities and I am not going to limit my self.

Just pick up the motto, "I will..." and see what it brings you!

Peace out,


  1. 2011 will be your year to finish many I wills!

  2. 2011 is going to be incredible! I think many of my writer friends will start to surprise themselves with unexpected awesomeness. Good luck on your first day of "I Will"s.
